United States Human Defense League
Exposing Corruption ~ Supporting Justice ~ Educating The Taxpayer
Welcome To The USHDL!
A National
Grass Roots Organization Working For Justice
The USHDL (United States Human Defense League) is a grass roots organization comprised of volunteers, which includes attorneys, paralegals, private investigators, retired law enforcement, and others from across the country who assist citizens whose civil rights – constitutional protections and guarantees – have been violated. In each situation, we engage in in-depth investigations, especially of taxpayer paid law enforcement, elected/appointed public officials, and other government employees.
You've come to the right place!
We at the USHDL are dedicated to helping victims of government fraud, abuse of authority, violation of Constitutional protections and guarantees, violation of federal and state law, and government officials, employees and law enforcement’s violation of their sworn Oaths of Office – which are their promise to the people. One of our main goals is to educate the public – the Taxpayers – who are footing the bill for all the corruption. We have had great success in holding government officials, judges, employees, and law enforcement accountable, so if you are looking for an alternative to long, drawn out court battles, where you pay and pay and pay, and more often than not receive no justice, we are here to help you. By the time we expose most of the failures of government officials, judges, employees and law enforcement, they are tucking their proverbial tails between their legs.
Areas Of Assistance...
Assisting citizens whose God given rights, which are protected and guaranteed by their State and U.S. Constitution, have been trampled on by government officials, judges, and law enforcement.
Assisting citizens with Code Enforcement issues on their private property.
What Our Clients Say...
Making Government Officials Accountable
for their failures and fraud...
Thank God For
The ushdl...
My Dad was facing over 50 felonies, 5 years in prison and a $50,000. fine for alleged animal abuse. The USHDL conducted an intensive 2 month investigation and found all the FRAUD that was used against my Dad. They helped us create an Official Criminal Complaint, along with several other documents, detailing the corruption of the Sheriffs Department operating in collusion with two animal rescue groups. Proven fabricated documents, created by a Sheriffs Investigator and a rescue founder were used to force my Dad to give up our entire kennel of Field Trial dogs. The rescues published volumes of fabricated information on social media. The unknowing public “donated” thousands of dollars to the rescues based upon their Fraudulent postings. Ultimately, the State Prosecutor was made to see his failures to abide by his Oath of Office, Ohio law, and Constitutional protections. He was made to see that his own county law enforcement aided and abetted the rescues, and their scheme to defraud the public. The Prosecutor published a press release stating he had dismissed all charges and our animals were to be returned. The rescues refused to return our animals – they couldn’t because they had already sold them to research labs, with NO court order, and NO lawful authorization of any kind!
fighting for
our son's life!
If the USHDL had not come alongside and begun an exhaustive investigation of the facts, proven the “fraud” and corruption engaged in by two counties, our son would most likely be in prison for life or have already been executed. Thank all of you at the USHDL!.
Code Enforcement tried to imprison me!
I am on acreage out in the country. I had an old appliance outside my home, waiting for me to gather up a few other items, to take them to the dump. Code Enforcement attempted to have me put in prison for violation of a “public” code on my “private” property, out in the middle of nowhere. Found out later the county wanted my property for the water rights!! The USHDL stopped them in their tracks!
Many other testimonies
Are You Ready To Take A Real Stand?
Are you ready to stand up to the corruption? Are you ready to put some “skin in the game”? Are you ready to hold the government actors accountable?
If you are… then go to our Contact page and send us an email giving us the facts of what happened, the date, who is involved, what they each did, what have you done so far, have you been to court, do you have an attorney, and anything else that is pertinent to your situation. Include your name, contact information and phone number.
There is NO reason to let out of control government officials, judges, employees, and law enforcement keep operating with no accountability… it is time to stop them from walking all over you.